Sunday, June 9, 2013

Shocking Information About Your Favorite Snacks

2:04 AM

The Truth About Potato Chips

Although for many chips is their favorite snack, doctors and experts have long warned of its harmfulness, and according to the latest study, it is equally dangerous as drugs because of its addictive.

According to the last research, one third of the British and American children, eat chips every day, and according to calculations, one man eats 100 bags of chips per year, but experts warn us that only one packing of chips can have the same effect like drinking five liters of cooking oil.

Michael Moss, author of the book “Salt, Sugar, Fat: How The Food Giants Hooked Us”, explained that the chips is “designed” to create addiction.  ”The mechanism” of the potato chips is “the taste in the mouth”, as the manufacturers say, and can be compared with the feeling that comes when you eat some melted cheese.

It’s needed a sufficient amount of fat, in order the chips to act, and stimulate “the center” located behind the mouth, which sends signals to the brain. Because salted, greasy and sweet, are tastes that the brain instinctively need, this taste of the potato chips, makes the people to eat more.

Even at the markets there are various forms of “tastes” and chips that are labeled as “premium”, with less fat or natural ingredients, they are all equally dangerous as “ordinary”.

“It is ideally to eat chips twice a month, in small portions”, explained Michael Moss, adding that eating chips during pregnancy is as dangerous as smoking.


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