Monday, June 10, 2013

Substitutes For Unhealthy Food

9:42 PM

You know the problem, as soon as you tell your brain you can’t have something that’s all you want. From sweet to salty you torture yourself just trying to forget but once the craving sets in there is no stopping it. I should know, I’m a big chocolate fan and when it comes to cravings I try and mix it up with some cocoa powder and yogurt or recently I have tried switching to 80% coco chocolate. I eat less and the craving gets appeased.
The interesting thing about cravings is what is going on under the bonnet. What does your body really want and what should you be giving it. We have a look at some of the minerals, vitamins and nutrients that your body could be asking you for and give you some healthy options instead.

Sweet Cravings

I should eat: fresh fruits, fish, eggs, nuts, kale, cabbage
I need: carbon, phosphorus, sulphur, tryptophan
Bread, Toast, Pasta Cravings
I should eat: fish, nuts, beans
I need: nitrogen

Salty Food Cravings

I should eat: fish, goat’s milk
I need: chloride

Acidic Foods

I should eat: raw nuts and seeds, legumes, fruits
I need: magnesium

General Overeating

I should eat: nuts, seeds, raisins, sweet potatoes, spinach, oranges
I need: silicon, tryptophan, tyrosine

Appetite Boosters

I should eat: seeds, beans, fish, walnuts, almonds, pineapple, blueberries
I need: vitamin b1, vitamin b3, manganese

So what sets you off and what craving substitutes for unhealthy food do you use.


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