Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Wonderful Benefits of Honey

2:38 AM

Honey is very rich in various useful stuffs and can be used even for weight loss. For centuries it treated wounds, and also lung, gynecological, skin and heart diseases.

According to some statistics, about 1/3 of the drugs contain honey, bee venom, propolis and beeswax. One drop of honey contain 70 important substances for the human body, such as carbohydrates – glucose and fructose, which unlike regular sugar is easily digested in the body, and also these substances are contributing to the preservation of muscle strength and normal muscles growth.

Honey For Weight Loss

This product should be used regularly and can be very helpful to lose weight. It contains enzymes that stimulate the digestive process and boost your metabolism, which contributes to weight reduction.

The proteins that contain honey take part in the formation of hormones. Minerals matters regulate the activity of the nervous system and blood production. Regular use of honey strengthens the immune system of the body.

Honey Can Protect Your Eyes

Honey can help us to protect the eyes from redness, fatigue and computer radiation. Honey is able to act in the body through the skin. Put linden honey at fingers ends and rub the area with redness for about 5-6 minutes.

If honey get soak, repeat the procedure two or three times. If this area of the body constantly absorbs honey, it means that there is no lack of nutrients. If honey is not soaking, prepare yourself a hot bath (35-40 Celsius degrees water) and relax in it for about 10-15 minutes. Repeat the procedure twice a week – it has a beneficial effect on eyes and improves eyesight.

Honey Masks

In ancient times honey was used to preserve the freshness and beauty of the face skin. Honey masks are also very popular today.
Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 egg yolk. With brush apply the mixture on your face and let it act for 20 minutes. This mask is very beneficial for people with oily and normal skin.
For dry skin is recommended mask that consists equal parts of honey and cream – it’s smooth wrinkles and makes the skin soft and supple. Mixture that consists of 1/4 cup honey and juice of half a lemon will improve the color of the face, will lighten the skin and will make freckles and pigment stains less visible.

Honey For Acne Treatment

Acne can be treated with honey, believe experts from the University of Oklahoma. The fact that honey has unique healing properties is not a secret. One teaspoon of honey reduces pain in the throat, and even can calm nerves. Dr. Sarah Maddox from the University of Oklahoma explains that the nutrients contained in the honey helps against various inflammations of the skin.

This refers to acne. The scientists say that honey may be more effective than medical treatment. When we have skin inflammation appears bacteria and honey is able to contribute to stop the formation of microorganisms. Honey nectar contains folic acid, which contributes to the production of antibodies.


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